AMP MUSIC is a music label and distributor that specializes in street music in African countries. We pursue the business model that any musicians can be compensated for their talent, effort and enthusiasm.
Niky Roehreke is an illustrator who is living and working in Brooklyn, New York. She has been working in various fields such as magazines, CD jackets, music videos and T-shirt design.
Tokyo-based DJ / Producer Midori Aoyama. Since his career began, he has rocked a lot of venues such as Air, Womb, ageHa and module. He has launched his own party ‘EUREKA!’ at the legendary house club Loop and eleven since 2012.
MUGENUP utilizes the cloud system and works in the world of creation. It is a company that produces game illustrations, animation and 3D graphics. They are looking for people who can provide services for the world from Japan.
PETLY feeds your pet the scheduled amount of food at the scheduled time, so that you pet does not get stressed out. It is also effective for your pet’s health to keep the timing of feeding and the amount of food regular.
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